
SafetyNet Care Limited - Safeguarding Matters



Protecting Vulnerable Adults from Abuse


Abuse is when someone does something to another person that puts them at risk of harm. It can happen once or repeatedly, and it may be deliberate or unintentional, caused by factors such as ignorance, stress, or caregiver breakdown due to a lack of support.


Abusers of adults can be anyone – family members, friends, care or health workers. It is usually someone known to the victim, and abuse can occur anywhere, including homes, care facilities, hospitals, day centers, or public places.


Abuse can manifest in various forms and may be categorized as:



Recognizing Who Is at Risk of Abuse or Neglect


An 'adult at risk' is a person 18 years or older who:



Some adults may be more at risk than others, including:



This does not mean any person who is old, frail, or has a disability is at risk. The vulnerability of the adult at risk is related to how able they are to make and exercise their own informed choices and protect themselves from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.


Safeguarding Adults


'Safeguarding Adults' is the process by which we:



If Someone Discloses Abuse to You






Always ensure the safety of the adult and any other person at risk. If there is immediate danger or a need for medical attention, contact emergency services on 999.


Reporting Concerns and Contacts


For Families and Users of our Services, the first point of call for concerns is the underlisted


Office Hours (9am – 5pm Daily)

Office Lines – 01865803429


Outside Hours

Care Coordinator – 07472831661

Registered Manager – 07795573855


Depending on which locality you reside and are being serviced by SafetyNet Care you can use the details below:














Office Address: Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Duty Team

Abbey House

Abbey Close, Abingdon

OX14 3JD


Phone Number: 01865 328232

OOH Emergency Team: 0800 833 408


Email Address:


The Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (OSAB)

Adult Social Care

Dorset Direct, County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1XJ


Phone Number: 01305 221016

Out of Hours service: 01305 221000, 01305 858250

Referral Link

NHS Dorset Safeguarding

Office Address: Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UJ


Phone Number: 0300 555 1386

Out of Hours service: 0300 555 1373 

Office Address: Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD 


Phone Number: 01 344 351 500

Out of Hours service: 01 344 351 999

Referral Link


If your concerns about us, a care home, other home-care agency, or other adult social care service, is not resolved then you can contact the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the regulatory body that monitors the quality of care provided by us and other organizations. You can phone the CQC on 03000 616161.


If you think someone is in immediate danger, phone emergency services on 999. Do not put yourself or anyone else at risk.





Safeguarding Matters for Children


Protecting Children from Abuse and Neglect


Abuse and neglect of children are serious concerns that require our attention and action. It is crucial to recognize the signs of abuse and take steps to ensure the safety and well-being of children.


Types of Abuse and Neglect


Physical Abuse

Physical abuse involves causing harm to a child through actions such as hitting, slapping, kicking, or using excessive force.


Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is any form of non-consensual sexual activity imposed on a child, including inappropriate touching, exposure to explicit materials, or any sexual exploitation.


Emotional or Psychological Abuse

Emotional or psychological abuse includes behaviours that negatively impact a child's emotional well-being, such as constant criticism, humiliation, or threats.



Neglect occurs when a child's basic needs, such as food, shelter, and medical care, are not adequately met, leading to physical or emotional harm.


Domestic Violence

Children exposed to domestic violence may experience physical harm or emotional distress due to witnessing violence between adults.



Bullying involves repeated and intentional harm, whether physical or emotional, by someone with more power over the child.


Online Safety

Children need protection from online threats, including cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and contact with strangers.


Recognizing Signs of Abuse or Neglect

It is important to be aware of potential signs that a child may be experiencing abuse or neglect. Signs can include:



Safeguarding Children


"Safeguarding Children" is the process by which we:


If a Child Discloses Abuse or Neglect






Always ensure the safety of the child. If there is immediate danger or a need for medical attention, contact emergency services on 999. If the child is not in immediate danger but the abuse is of a criminal nature, contact the police on 101.


Reporting Concerns and Contacts

For Families and Users of our Services, the first point of call for concerns is the underlisted


Office Hours (9am – 5pm Daily)

Office Lines – 01865803429


Outside Office Hours

Care Coordinator – 07472831661

Registered Manager – 07795573855


Depending on which locality you are you can use the details below:













Oxfordshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) County Hall, New Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1ND


Phone Number: 0345 050 7666

OOH Emergency Team: 0800 833 408



Email Address: 

Children's Advice and Duty Service (ChAD)

Westport House, Worgret Road, Wareham, BH20 4PP


Phone Number: 01305228558

Out of Hours service: 01305 221000, 01305 858250

Other Contacts

NHS Dorset Safeguarding

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UJ


Phone Number: 0300 555 1384

Out of Hours service: 0300 555 1373


Agency Referral Form Link: IARF

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)Family The Rowans Children Centre, Pondmoor Road, Bracknell, RG12 7JZ


Phone Number: 01344 352005

Out of Hours service: 01 344 351 999 

Agency Referral




If your concerns about us, a care home, other home-care agency, or other adult social care service, is not resolved then you can contact the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the regulatory body that monitors the quality of care provided by us and other organizations. You can phone the CQC on 03000 616161.


If you think someone is in immediate danger, phone emergency services on 999. Do not put yourself or anyone else at Risk